Les nouveaux mots dans le Petit Robert de la langue française 2021

Aïno Niklas-Salminen

Aix-Marseille Université


The language dictionary does not only propose to make a description of the lexicon in the verbal performances of the speaking subjects, but also that of the attitudes of these speakers with regard to the types of spoken or written verbal behaviours. The dictionary is a place of reference, it describes its judgments of acceptability according to a cultural norm. The lexicographers of Le Petit Robert de la langue française 2021 insist on the evolution of the language that each new edition of the dictionary must take into account. They lead a fight against single thought and impoverished expression by offering a very broad vision of French practices ranging from abstract thought and contemporary techniques to the spontaneous expression of language uses. This article focuses on the new words present in the 2021 version of this dictionary. If we study the neologisms added to this glossary, we can see quite clearly in which directions the lexicon of the French language is evolving. Neology works on the new basis of a certain number of rules which are characterized by their greater or lesser productivity.

Mots-clés :

neologism, evolution of the lexicon, lexicography, dictionary

Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert de la langue française (édition 2021).

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Niklas-Salminen, A. (2023) « Les nouveaux mots dans le Petit Robert de la langue française 2021 », Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, 23(23), p. 205–223. doi: 10.15290/baj.2023.23.12.

Aïno Niklas-Salminen 
Aix-Marseille Université