Charakterystyka formalna apelatywnych compositów rzeczownikowych w Słowniku wileńskim

Katarzyna Kietlińska


The article presents the results of a formal analysis of over 3600 bilateral appellate noun compounds registered in the nineteenth century Vilnius Dictionary. The compounds that are being characterized are of distinctive structure, nouns and verbs prevailing in their second component. Nouns, adjectives and numerals most frequently occur in the first component. Formations including native and hybrid elements dominate among the analyzed compounds. The constructions where both components derive from foreign languages are sparse.


Kietlińska, K. (2004) «Charakterystyka formalna apelatywnych compositów rzeczownikowych w Słowniku wileńskim», Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (4), сс. 63–81. doi: 10.15290/baj.2004.04.05.

Katarzyna Kietlińska