Le verbe polysémique baisser dans un corpus parallèle français-polonais

Joanna Cholewa

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


This article analyses the semantic plurivocity of the verb baisser in the Parallel Corpus of French-Polish Literary Texts, as well as the heterogeneity of its equivalents in the target language. Its objective is to specify: (a) which meanings, locative or abstract, are statistically the most significant; (b) whether particular meanings of baisser are translated as suggested by dictionaries and the analysis by Cholewa in paper titled Mouvement à polarité négative du sujet: (se) baisser (2021). Locative meanings of baisser dominate in the corpus, especially that meaning ‘lowering a part of the body’, which is used to describe facial expressions. The most common Polish equivalents are spuścić/spuszczać and opuścić/opuszczać. The observation of the (con)text of the French verb proved promising: with analyses on a larger corpus, it will be possible to indicate the correlations between the (con)text and the choice of a Polish equivalent.

Ключевые слова:

semantic plurivocity, parallel corpus, equivalent, locative meaning, abstract meaning, motion verbs, polisemia

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Cholewa, J. (2023) «Le verbe polysémique baisser dans un corpus parallèle français-polonais», Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, 23(23), сс. 27–41. doi: 10.15290/baj.2023.23.02.

Joanna Cholewa 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku