Between a Cabinet of Curiosities, a Library and a museum: Cases of Encyclopedism in Gustave Flaubert’s “Bouvard and Pécuchet”

Łukasz Wróbel

Faculty of Polish Studies. University of Warsaw


Encyclopedic ideas are implemented in the forms of a summa, encyclopedia, dictionary, as well as a novel. In Gustave Flaubert’s Bouvard and Pécuchet also their spatial modalities have been subjected to fabularisation (a cabinet of curiosities, a library, a museum). The aim of the article is to interpret these spatialisations in the context of the thematic order of chapters in the discussed work and selected elements of the presented world, as well as to evaluate the diagnoses made by Flaubert in relation to systematic  knowledge and the very idea of encyclopedism in the period of late modernity.


Gustave Flaubert, encyclopedism, cabinet of curiosities, garden, library, museum

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Łukasz Wróbel 
Faculty of Polish Studies. University of Warsaw


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