Imagination Organized: The Poetics of Jan Brzękowski’s Poem “Kolory”

Alicja Smaruj

Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet Gdański


The article interprets Jan Brzękowski’s poem “kolory” [couleurs]. Accepting the assumption that the reading of the Cracow avant-garde poetry, including Brzękowski’s works, requires the textual approach, the author of the article gives an in-depth discussion of rhetorical figures  (especially metaphors) and symbolic motifs (metals, colours, weather phenomena). Such reading of “kolory” turns the poem into a statement about the unique psychological (or even spiritual) experience of the lyrical self, who, after a crisis of darkness, has an insight “in the breaking dawn”.


lyric poetry, poetic avant-garde, poetic imagination, poetics, metaphor

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„Pamiętnik Literacki”, nr 3, s. 111–141.


Alicja Smaruj 
Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet Gdański


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