Refugees at the “Gates of Europe”: On Lampedusa with Jarosław Mikołajewski

Karolina Najgeburska

Faculty of Languages. University of Gdansk


The article discusses the refugee crisis in Europe, which has come to be symbolized by an Italian island of Lampedusa. The author of the article analyses two pieces by Jarosław Mikołajewski, a reportage Wielki przypływ [Great high tide] and a children’s story Wędrówka Nabu [Nabu’s Wandering], and seeks the answers to the following questions. What image of Lampedusa emerges from the reportage? What is the impact of the refugee crisis upon the lives of its residents? And finally, what is their attitude to the Other? Following Mikołajewski’s thinking, the author reflects on the challenges that the immigrants “at the gates of Europe” pose. In her opinion, Mikołajewski’s stance is open and emphatic. The aim of introducing the theme of migrants into children’s books is to teach them to be responsible for others.


reportage, immigrant crisis, refugees, Other, Lampedusa

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Karolina Najgeburska 
Faculty of Languages. University of Gdansk


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