I Think, therefore I Feel, I Touch, I Taste... Some Epistemological Remarks on the Thinking of Mister Cogito

Marzenna Cyzman

Instytut Literatury Polskiej, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Torunia


The aim of the article is the attempt to read anewZbigniew Herbert’s poems. The commonly accepted interpretations in Polish literary discourse place them in the context of realistic paradigm. Meanwhile the model of cognition in the poet’s works is not so clear. It is possible to understand it in the constructivist way, taking into consideration Herberts own view that cognition has always active, dynamic, sensual and linguistic character. Ttherefore, it may be perceived as the correlate of languaging/linguistic behaviour of H. Maturana and E. von Glasersfeld.


Polish poetry, cognition, constructivism, description, epistemology

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Marzenna Cyzman 
Instytut Literatury Polskiej, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Torunia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5530-2351


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