A Non-normative City? Socio-Cultural Aspects of Urban Space

Sylwia Chutnik

Center for Research on Culture of Warsaw of The University of Warsaw


The article addresses the theme of performativity in the context of the norms of urban space. Drawing on an analysis of several cases of non-normative bodies, it raises the question of the emancipatory power of the city and its potential for new narratives within the social and cultural realms. A body with a disability, a queer body, breaks out of the majority and moves differently. It is exposed to threats but also seeks a new possibility of existence. Walking as a fundamental act of exploring the city can also have an emancipatory significance.


non-normative, performative,, city and gender,, antrophology of the body

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Sylwia Chutnik 
Center for Research on Culture of Warsaw of The University of Warsaw https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0108-3189


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