Text, Time and Space – a Narrative Conitinuun: the Image of Zagreb and Dobrovnik in “Evlija Czelebi’s Book of Travels”, Ranko Marinković’s “Cyclops” and George R.R. Martin’s Saga “A Song of Ice and Fire”

Armina Kapusta

Faculty of Geographical Sciences. University of Lodz


Space, like forms of expression, undergoes constant transformations. One may wonder about their relationships, since both space shapes the text, and text influences the perception of space as well as helps to read and understand its palimpsest, hidden elements. The article addresses the issue of time as read and written in the landscape and urban space. Using literary examples from different periods, it analyzes the presentation of Zagreb and Dubrovnik. It also seeks to point out the differences between the real and literary landscape to discover the topographical objects commemorated in texts in the contemporary urban space. The author wonders whether literature can be a burden for the semiotic landscape. Can it influence the perception of space in such a way that one does not want to see other dimensions of the landscape than those preserved in the texts?


urban semiotics, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, space and time vs the image of the city

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Armina Kapusta 
Faculty of Geographical Sciences. University of Lodz https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4955-8630


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