Cursed and Forgotten? Scenes from the Life of Józef Emmanuel Przecławski. Part 2

Aleksander Fieduta

Wydział Nauk Społecznych i Politycznych. Europejski Uniwersytet Humanistyczny w Wilnie


The article is devoted to the controversial, pro-Russian Polish editor of “Tygodnik Petersburski”, Józef Emmanuel Przecławski. He was the alumnus of the Vilnius University and a contemporary of Adam Mickiewicz and the Philomaths, later to become loyal to the Russian Empire. The author of the article uses the Russian socio-political background to analyse the correspondence between Przecławski, the periodical’s censor and the Tsar’s advisors who, over the objections of chief editor, collaborated to transform the weekly into a bilingual Polish-Russian edition. The analysis is based on citations from the Russian archives sources.


journalism, Tygodnik Petersburski, Józef Emanuel Przecławski, Russian Empire


Aleksander Fieduta 
Wydział Nauk Społecznych i Politycznych. Europejski Uniwersytet Humanistyczny w Wilnie


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