Topobiographies: a Multidimensional Space of Being

Jacek Kaczmarek

Instytut Geografii Miast i Turyzmu, Uniwersytet Łódzki


The basic problem of these considerations is a question: to what extent various aspects of biography can be described within a methodological framework? It is assumed that time is necessary yet insufficient biographical parameter. Life consists of events which are the consequence of time. On the other hand, one should not omit the space of the course of life in biographical research. Thus, the term topobiography has been introduced, which is a record of wandering through subsequent places of the trail of human life. Analytical parameters of topobiography are distance,both geographical and psychological, and cost.


topobiographies, the principles of biographic dynamics, space, time


Jacek Kaczmarek 
Instytut Geografii Miast i Turyzmu, Uniwersytet Łódzki


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