Poetic Figures and Backgrounds. The Role of Categorization in Shaping Prosodic Semantics

Arkadiusz Sylwester Mastalski

Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie


The objective of this paper is to analyze the way in which the operation of cognitive processes organizing human perception into the foreground element (figure) and its background interpretative context affects the process of reading-interpretation of the text organized into verses. This type of categorizing operation is effective, in my opinion, not only in the psychology of perception, analysis of pieces of visual arts and musical texts, in reference to grammar and literary stylistics, but is also helpful in explaining important mechanisms of our relations with verse organization. The paper is based on the observations of the representatives of Gestaltpsychologie, as well as the findings of researchers representing other branches of humanities connected with cognitive sciences and applying their accomplishments in the description of the language and works of art.


verse, prosody, figure, background, categorization


Arkadiusz Sylwester Mastalski 
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie


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