Речевой этикет в армии и на флоте в Литературных произведениях XIX века

Olga Anchimiuk


The subject of the article are selected elements of linguistic etiquette, strictly speaking polite expressions used in the former Russian army. The author chooses her linguistic material from literary works of selected XIX century Russian writers (Tołstoj, Staniukowicz, Leskow). Specific relations appearing in the army (strong hierarchy and discipline) make it possible to present convention and usefulness of linguistic etiquette. It is used there as a tool to impose discipline, express respect or disrespect, avoid or solve conflicts. The article focused on the forms of linguistic etiquette in the most typical situations: when a higher rank official turns to a lower one or the opposite, the equally ranked turning to one another, and military men turning to each other and civilians. It results from the analysis of the linguistic etiquette presented in the literary works that the writers perceived the army and navy structure as highly hierarchical. Social background decided about man’s value in the army, which was reflected in the conventions of linguistic etiquette.


Anchimiuk, O. (2006) „Речевой этикет в армии и на флоте в Литературных произведениях XIX века“, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (6), S. 7–19. doi: 10.15290/baj.2006.06.01.

Olga Anchimiuk