W gorącej święconej wodzie kąpany, czyli o frazeologii w poezji Jana Twardowskiego

Urszula Sokólska


This article discusses stylistic and expressive function of phraseological connotations in Jan Twardowski's poetry. Particular attention has been drawn to common automatized idioms which - not characterized in colloquia! Polish language - become characterized both stylistically and emotionally in lyric (e.g. clapping a tongue, riding the high horse, bruising someone's forehead, getting on someone's nerves, talking back) and phraseological innovati ons, mainly modifying and extending. Among modifying innovations which arise as a result of violation of traditional phraseological structure, we can list: shortening innovations (e.g. clapping a tongue), extending ones (e.g. wringing one's failing hands) , listing ones (e.g. Troy pony, looking a human scarecrow), contaminating ones (e.g. eating the calf in the cow's holly belly), regulating ones (e.g. Troy pony, reverse side of griej) . We deal with extending innovations when idioms enter performing contexts other than, for instance, adopted by generał language or patterns of lexical connections, for instance idioms opening so called first "empty spaces" designed for personal nouns that are based on a pattern what + idiom : pretence talks through its hat, gothic makes faces, words do not bother people.


Sokólska, U. (2004) „W gorącej święconej wodzie kąpany, czyli o frazeologii w poezji Jana Twardowskiego“, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (4), S. 165–183. doi: 10.15290/baj.2004.04.10.

Urszula Sokólska