Bibliography should contain only the sources that are referenced in the text. Bibliography entry must follow the pattern below:
Author’s last name (inverted), initial of Author’s first name, year of publication, comma, title of article (italicized), comma, place of publication (Publisher’s city), full stop, e.g.:
Tokarski R., 2004, Semantyka barw we współczesnej polszczyźnie, Lublin.
Edited works: Editor’s name (initial of first name, last name - not inverted) followed by Ed. in round brackets, e.g.
Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego, 2003, vol. I-III, S. Dubisz (Ed.), Warszawa.
Journal Article:
Author’s last name (inverted), initial of Author’s first name, year of publication, comma, title of article (italicized), comma, name of publication (journal) in double quotation marks, volume/issue number, comma, page numbers/range (first to last), full stop, e.g.:
Buttler D., 1986, Przysłowia polskie z formą stopnia wyższego lub najwyższego, „Prace Filologiczne” XXXIII, pp. 95–104.
Book Chapter:
Author’s last name (inverted), initial of Author’s first name, year of publication, comma, title (italicized), in: book title (italicized), comma, Editor’s first name (initial) and last name (not inverted), Ed. in round brackets, comma, Publisher’s city, comma, page range (first and last page of the chapter), full stop, e.g.:
Okopień-Sławińska A., 1971, Relacje osobowe w literackiej komunikacji, in: Problemy socjologii literatury, J. Sławiński (Ed.), Wrocław, pp. 109–125.
E-Resources and Websites:
A general rule may be applied to citing of websites: If the website contains data or evidence essential to a point being addressed in the manuscript, it should be formally cited with the URL and date of access.
Celebryci trafią na uniwersytety? Wygląda na to, że to nieuniknione, 2013, z W. Godzicem rozm. A. Koziński,,celebryci-trafia-na-uniwersytety-wyglada-na-to-ze-to-nieuniknione,2,id,t,sa.html (accessed: 1.01.2014).
NKJP: Narodowy Korpus Języka Polskiego, (accessed: 23.04.2013).
Goodman T., 2013, Mysteries of Laura: TV Review, „The Hollywood Reporter”, (accessed: 13.08.2019).
Szemberska A., 2011, Wybrane nowe italianizmy we współczesnej polszczyźnie, „Kwartalnik Językoznawczy”, 3 (7), (accessed: 12.02.2020).