On a certain type of religious commemoration texts (First Mass pictures)

Małgorzata Nowak

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The author proposes an linguistically-oriented analysis of the inscriptions in the pictures that a newly ordained priest gives to his faithful in order to commemorate the celebration of his First Mass. The source material contains 625 texts from the years 1907-2004. The research made on the material allows drawing the following conclusions: 1. Owing to the fact that the analyzed inscriptions realize the primary genological categories: intention of behind the utterance, typical linguistic form of the text (its fixed, schematic, recognizable and intuitively identifiable structure), the source texts may be described within the framework of text linguistics, and may be treated as an independent speech variety. 2. The canonical pattern of the text is realized in the following structure: a religious quotation (Oto idę Panie pełnić Twoją wolę (Ps 40, 8); Tylko miłość jest Twórcza (St. Maksymilian Kolbe)), some information about the intention and the type of linguistic action (Na pamiątkę święceń kapłańskich z błogosławieństwem prymicyjnym ofiaruję), self-presentation of the author, spacio-temporal localization, corteous and religious speech acts (Dziękuję Ci Boże za Tych, spośród których wyszedłem, z którymi jestem i do których mnie poślesz; Boże, błogosław Rodzicom, Rodzeństwu oraz Tym, którzy pomogli mi dojść do Twego Ołtarza). 3. The utterances under analysis share the linguistic code – verbal and iconic. They also represent a variety of speech acts: blessing, prayer, request and words of gratitude. 4. The schematic nature of the First Mass picture inscription is partly explained by the limitations of the linguistic system: linguistic means of expressing blessing or gratitude are limited.


Nowak, M. (2005) “On a certain type of religious commemoration texts (First Mass pictures)”, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (5), pp. 75–87. doi: 10.15290/baj.2005.05.07.

Małgorzata Nowak 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku