Spanglish as a vehicle of the transitional identi

Ludmiła Furman

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The presence of English interjections in the works of writers of Hispanic origin is a proof that spanglish is also becoming the language of literature. Analysis of the stories of writers collected in the anthology “Se habla español. Las voces latinas en USA” has helped to define the “signs of the times” typical of a society as complex as American society, with people of Latino descent. The use of single words, phrases, and thinking in both languages is proof that the users of these languages are present in both cultures. The analysis of the presented stories indicates that their identity is a “temporary” identity, which is not identified with any culture eventually.


identity, temporary, spanglish, narration, USA, identidad, transitoria

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Furman, L. (2017) “Spanglish as a vehicle of the transitional identi”, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (17), pp. 289–301. doi: 10.15290/baj.2017.17.19.

Ludmiła Furman 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku