Speech of elected presidents and defeated candidates, consecutive to the announcement of presidential election results in France and Lithuania (1993–2009)

Miroslaw Stasilo

Université de Vilnius


This article analyzes and compares the evolution of the language and the vocabulary of political leaders during the presidential elections in France and Lithuania from 1992 to 2009. We try to understand questions related to the construction of the self (ethos gr.) by language: how the context and key-words have changed during last 20 years, what is the evolution of political discourse in both countries, what is the influence of political system on the construction of image, what are personal differences concerning the use of a word or phrase by political? It is based on the analysis of official speeches.


presidential elections, keyword, subject, elected candidate, defeated candidate


Stasilo, M. (2015) “Speech of elected presidents and defeated candidates, consecutive to the announcement of presidential election results in France and Lithuania (1993–2009)”, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (15), pp. 395–411. doi: 10.15290/baj.2015.15.26.

Miroslaw Stasilo 
Université de Vilnius