Język Kodeksu etyki a standardy komunikacji w firmie

Joanna Kuć

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach


The article deals with the Code of Ethics, which exposes the good and the policy of promoting excellence in the company – a large global corporation. A set of standards does not include a whole sphere of employment, only the selected aspects. Reading this document you have the impression that this is an instruction that tells you how to adapt to the rules prevailing ethic in the corporation, because the records contained in the Code may lead to semantic ambivalence and impact of moral relativism. Message sender is a company that claims to monopoly on the right, and the recipient – each of its employees. The overall tone of the Code is concerned about the good, the agreement between people, putting the appropriate issues that are raised, but always insight is made from the perspective of the sender. Suitable formulations create the prospect of media seeking to control the recipient of the message and push the position of corporation so that employees identify with the idea of the Code. Measures of language, mainly vocabulary and phraseology, and in particular contexts bring new content of words, new meanings and definitions, which may affect the ambiguous understanding of the guidelines. There should not set standards for communication document, which is designed to be persuasive, as stated from above, without the participation and approval of a wide range of stakeholders and eminent representatives of disciplines dealing with ethics.


Kuć, J. (2010) «Język Kodeksu etyki a standardy komunikacji w firmie», Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (10), pp. 147–157. doi: 10.15290/baj.2010.10.09.

Joanna Kuć 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach