Expressiva w wierszach księdza Jana Twardowskiego i ich rosyjskich przekładach
Beata Edyta Dworakowska
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
The subject of research in this article are Jan Twardowski’s poems translated
into Russian and compared to their original Polish versions. A purpose of the
study was to check whether formal-esthetical equivalence within the scope of
expressive names’ translation has been achieved. The issue of stylistic devices is
crucial for poetry. The analysis of the original Polish texts indicates a conscious
use of *diminutives or *augmentatives by the author in order to approximate
a religious sphere to a reader. The comparison of bitexts allows to establish
techniques used by translators in the translation process (literary translation,
reproduction, tropization, detropization), aiming at achieving the equivalent
esthetic effect and transposing an innovative language of faith to the level of
Russian language and culture.
Słowa kluczowe:
poezja religijna, expressiva, tłumaczenie