A document of the lost/disappearing heritage. The lexical and word-formation diversity of mother-related lexemes in the dialects of Ostróda, Warmia and Masuria

Ewelina Grześkiewicz

Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN


The aim of the article was to present the lexical richness and word-formation potential of the lexeme matka [mother] in the dialects of Ostróda, Warmia and Mazury. The lexemes mother, mama and muter, as well as their derivatives were analyzed. The linguistic material was based on the file of Słownik gwar Ostródzkiego, Warmii i Mazur [A Dictionary of Dialects of Ostróda, Warmia and Masuria Regions] that is a record of dialect status at the end of the 1950s. The lexeme matka is connected with the creation of 10 derivatives, the lexeme mama – with 7 derivatives, and muter – 2 derivatives. The derivation of the last word is a proof of the adaptation of a German root in the dialects under discussion. The analysis of the material has shown that the derivatives have a modify ing semantic function and they convey positive emotions towards the referent. In this way, hypocoristic formations were created whose suffixes do not differ significantly from the general Polish word-formation system. In addition, it turned out that about 80% of the derivatives come from the dialect literary style, as the second degree suffixes are not functional in the analyzed dialects. In communicating positive feelings towards the designate, simple suffixes were sufficient for the language users. It is not possible to determine isomorphs on the basis of the material collected in the file, as questions about diminutives were attached to the questionnaire at the last stage of the fieldwork.


dialectal word formation, root word, derivative, the lexeme matka [mother], dialects of Ostróda, Warmia and Masuria

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Grześkiewicz, E. (2021) “A document of the lost/disappearing heritage. The lexical and word-formation diversity of mother-related lexemes in the dialects of Ostróda, Warmia and Masuria”, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (21), pp. 67–83. doi: 10.15290/baj.2021.21.04.

Ewelina Grześkiewicz 
Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5865-8970